Our Objective  is to alleviate our customers' concerns about quality and lead times through our End-to-End Visual Order Processing Workflow

We provide feedback to our customers at every critical point in the production process,we provide our customers with a schedule, updating the table at each critical point and including photos:

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Raw Material Acquisition

Informing when raw materials necessary for the order have been secured, indicating the project's initiation

Production Start

We notify the customer when their order has officially entered the production line and forecast the daily production capacity.

Supplier Component Status

Updating the customer on the status of components sourced from suppliers, ensuring transparency about all parts involved in the production.

Quality Checks

Sharing updates on quality control checkpoints, where the product is inspected for compliance with specifications.

Assembly Phase

Informing the customer when the product enters the assembly stage, detailing the process and progress of putting together the components.

Final Inspection and Approval

Informing the customer when the final product undergoes inspection and receives approval, affirming quality assurance.

Packaging and Readiness for Shipment

Notifying that the product is packaged and ready for dispatch, including packaging details to ensure safety during transit.

Shipping Details

Providing the customer with shipping details, including the carrier, tracking number, and expected delivery date.